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Greater Gifts

Half the fun of receiving amazing gifts is in the waiting. I would not have said that as a little girl, days before Christmas. And my four daughters certainly would not say that today as they wait to open what's under the tree. But it's true, I can see it now.

I can see how my husband and I, who know each girl well, have thought about and planned what would make each girl squeal with joy. Some things under the tree are things they asked for. Some are things they haven't even thought to ask for, but are things we know they will love.

And the waiting makes it all so much more special. In this culture of instant gratification, have we missed the wonder and anticipation of a thing made all the more special because we had to wait for it?

I'm realizing today that it is a lot the same with us and the Lord. He knows us so intimately and desires to give us good gifts (Matthew 7:7-11). He is crafting things behind the scenes that are both what we have asked for and things beyond our wildest imaginations. In fact, Ephesians 3:20-21 says: "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us. to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever, Amen."

And in the waiting for the gifts to be revealed, we can trust in the good and loving character of the God who is not only preparing these gifts, but also planning the perfect timing for the gift to be unwrapped and enjoyed.

Our lives are such a gift, and each season can be one too if we just have eyes to see it. My Advent devotional yesterday challenged us to read Acts 1. Jesus is in resurrected form and encourages them to stay where they are in Jerusalem and wait for what was promised. It would be the Holy Spirit. And I am always caught that they had no idea, no context, about what this even meant. It was indeed far more than they could even think or imagine. They asked Him when this would be, and He basically said, "Don't worry. It's not for you to know, nor is it in your authority to plan it all out." (Acts 1: 1-8).

I'm so grateful for this! This season, for me, has been one of drinking from quiet waters that have indeed restored my soul. But I also know it's like Advent. A waiting before the promise (that I can't even imagine) is revealed. Other, bigger, perhaps more is coming, but I don't have to make it happen, I don't have to fret about the timing. It's all in God's capable might hands and outstretched arm. He will do it, just like He wants to.

I love Nathanel in John 1. He doubts if anything good can come from Nazareth and Philip tells him to just come and see for himself. Jesus tells Nathanel He saw him under the fig tree, and Nathanel believes right then and there. Jesus' knowing him was enough. I would have loved to watch this scene play out because I imagine Jesus smiling, maybe even laughing a little. "Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these." (John 1:50)

He would see the Son of Man lifted up and angels coming and going. Heaven opened up.

More than he could have imagined, while he was just sitting under that fig tree.

For the first time in ages, I feel just where I'm supposed to be. Like a kid on Christmas Eve, waiting for the promised things, anticipation building, content to know my Heavenly Father has planned amazing gifts under the tree! "Greater things than these." All I have to do is wait for it, enjoy His knowing me, and rest.

This Christmas, may you trust in the Father who loves you well, who sees you and knows you, and is planning good gifts just for you.

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