One of my youngest took it upon herself a couple weeks ago to use the scissors to chop off one *entire* side of her hair.
I remember rounding the corner to find sweet little blonde locks surrounding her little piggy toes and it was just so… sad to me.
Something almost every kid does at one point or another? Yes. Just another thing to add to the long list of things these twin monkeys get into? Also yes. In that moment, and in all the comments from others since, it felt too much.
Someday we will miss it.
I know in just a couple years the time hop photo will pop up and I’ll think:
“Aww, look how cute the pixie cut was on her after we took her to get it fixed. It really suits her.”
I know they say someday we’ll miss this... . But I won't miss them opening the dog shampoo bottle all over the dog food aisle at the pet store, then at the check out almost pulling an *entire* glass display case over. Nope. Won’t miss it. . But I know what people mean. What they’re really saying is:
“Don’t miss the wonder. Don’t take it all so seriously. Be present for it. Savor the sweet moments. Even if they’re few and far between. Because time hop photos comes, and baby cheeks fade into gangly tweens, and you won’t want to see those pictures later on and think, I miss *that* part.”
I know. I really do. So… I snapped a photo, not unlike or any less holy than stones piled by the Jordan, to remind myself that hair grows back. Shampoo gets cleaned up. But these twins are the real-deal, honest-to-goodness, daily miracles my husband and I and our family get to love and I really am so grateful- pixie cuts and all.